
Hello, I’m Vipi!
That isn’t a nickname. It’s my legal first name, yes, on my birth certificate, drivers license, passport etc. When I was a child I was told it stood for Very Important Person Indeed.
For at least 30 years I have known I needed to write. As a child I wrote many journals about abuse, hunger and fear. It was very therapeutic and my fear of leaving this earth and no one ever knowing I existed was deep. Without ties to grandparents, cousins and often times parents I felt dismissible. Who would mourn a girl they never met. As a child I had no history, no ties and because my fathers criminal decisions kept us running my future seemed imaginary.
As an adult I have married and had three wonderful life changing children. After years of marital discord to a small town preacher I divorced. I remarried and gained two more amazing children. As our children began leaving the nest we decided to fulfill a lifelong dream of mine and become foster parents. This goal of mine has opened my eyes in many ways and I realized that all of our children are VIP’s. My blog will be a way to see the reality of growing up in foster care,raising a blended family and being a foster parent. The journey has been tough and it’s not all pretty but it’s nice to have a place I can express myself. Btw. I will not edit my posts. If I start grammatically editing.. my insecurities will flair and I will never post it. “It’s who I am”


  1. LazyHaze · September 18, 2016

    Hi there, I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!

    Liked by 1 person

    • raisingvipi · September 29, 2016

      I don’t know how to ummm…. go with it! I even tried to google it. Does this show how backwards I am? My hubby said I may have to do it from a computer and not my phone. I think it’s the kindest thing ever though!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • LazyHaze · September 29, 2016

        Thats alright. You can take your time. Just look at the link I provided in the previous comment, if you have any doubts about how to accept.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. LazyHaze · September 29, 2016

    Your husband is right though. You will have to do it on a system. The wordpress phone app is not good for putting in links and copying images 😦


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