Pain of War

The trials I’ve went through this week have made me physically weak. They’ve caused me to really reflect on myself as a person, my faith, and question why I’m defeated at this point in my life. A lesson I heard this evening was about our faith being fickle and I really started questioning myself and what causes me to give up so easily. Actually, what cause us Christians as a whole to live defeated and in fear. Many times the lessons we learn from our Pastors or church leaders is about our God being EVERYTHING. He is all powerful, all knowing, all loving and we are promised a victory banquet in Heaven. Though these statements are very true sometimes we need to be reminded that we are at war. Yes, we are promised Victory! We do fight for the one worthy and all powerful. But war has casualties!! The conquers often times lose many many soldiers, they come home with battle wounds, broken minds or not at all. We are at war people. It’s a spiritual war that will often times make us feel shattered to our core. Though we know our Father can heal. At some point we all must die and this will effect each and everyone of us. We WILL face sickness and heart break. We WILL face financial struggles. We WILL fall flat on our face in tears. This is war!!

As Christians we fail to realize the cost of war! What will our faith cost us. Will it cost us friendships, will we be asked to sacrifice our time? Are we prepared to pay what it costs to be obedient? Will we give our tithes to the war of God? Will we work and serve others and His plan with our energy? What if it costs your marriage? What if you are asked to leave you home and go to the mission field? What if you are asked to open your home to strangers or children? Can you or will you pay this price? A broke war can never win. Many countries have lost the battle due to lack of funds. How much is too much for you?

This is my Achilles heal. What about the allies of war? What happens when the brothers that once stood with you fighting the fight beside you change their allegiance and now raise arms against you. What happens when your sponsors withdraw their support? The pain that runs the deepest for me are when my Christian friends turn on me. For me personally when the teachers that should be fighting the battle of child wellness with me stand against me. Or the Caseworkers who turned someone else’s children in to my hands with confidence and all faith buckle when that faith is questioned. This pain reminds me of the Vietnam Vets who returned home after a long hard battled where they lost so much and were scorned by the American people. Our soldiers were scorned, ridiculed and treated like animals. This area is probably the one I struggle with the most in my faith. When those I fight with and for turn against us. Feelings become personal and I understand in war one side will win and one will lose. Never have I wanted to conquer friends or family so victory becomes bitter.

Why do we go to war if it takes so much? We don’t go to war, we are in the war. The choice we have is which side we want to fight for. The perks of fighting for our Savior are the only thing that matters. In this war we aren’t exempt from the tragedy however we can receive peace. We can pray for his comfort to see us through. We can have a hedge around our hearts and minds staying focused on him. Most importantly Eternal Victory!!! Eternal worship and rest from the war. One day the battle will be over and we can bask in the goodness of his promises. We fight for Eternal peace and joy. Let us all lift up or battle cry for our creator, our Father and Savior. Let’s fight with all we can, give all we have and stand against all who will stand against the one and only God almighty!

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