I was listening to this girl talk. She was just talking. It was obvious that everyone around her was annoyed with her rambling because she kept interjecting her nonsense into other conversations. She lacked eye contact but she had extreme hand motions and facial reactions that almost seemed like what she had to say would be interesting but, no. While the present company was discussing the new construction on the road close by she was interjecting her concerns about a film left behind on her teeth. WOW! How can you not know how to communicate better than that. I watched the train wreck in silence. Over and over people would roll from conversation to conversation and she would just blurt out random facts that weren’t directed to anyone or about anything on the topic at hand. The basis of every solid foundation is communication. How can you learn to bond with others if you never learn when to listen, and when to talk and even past that what’s important to talk about. Day after day I talk to the live of my life. I tell him there’s a school program coming up, I ask him to pic up the pictures sent to Walgreen, I talk about upcoming events. Though this is fine how often do I talk about how grateful I am for him, or let him know what I need emotionally? Then I realized how often I treat my prayer life so nonchalantly. I talk, I ramble, I ask, too often I ramble. So I decided to analyze the Lords Prayer and teach myself how to stop my communication with God from being hijacked. 

HIJACK                                                                    Honor- Address and acknowledge  our father, recognize His name and station

Include- Know that it’s His plan, His will, praying to be included in building our home in glory.                                                 

Just Ask- Ask for those things that concern us, ask for comfort or guidance.                   

Apologize-Beg for forgiveness and ask for help offering forgiveness towards others

Control- Give Him control over our path ask Him to detour us away from weaknesses of the flesh

Know -Know that you have talked with your Father our God Almighty, Know that He has all things in His hands, know that you can leave it there)

Protect your communication and work hard to express yourself but also remember  that lines of communication go both ways so learn to be still and listen to the one who longs to hear from you. 


  1. Sandra Dunn · May 1, 2017

    Excellent lesson in everyday life and spiritual life! I love this! Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • raisingvipi · May 1, 2017

      Thank you. I have to say that I’ve been trying this for about a week and I have NEVER felt more in sync with my prayer life. If Jesus thought it was important to tell us how to pray then there is a right way.

      Liked by 1 person

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