The Puppets Master

The dysfunction, the manipulation, the lies, the guilt. 

This is the way it is, he pulls this way and we  walk, he pulls that way and we bend. 

Blind to the strings, oblivious to his control. Dancing day by day to the music he provides. Naive to believe we have a voice, that we got here on our own. 

Then the strings begin to break, we can fall, flat on our face, we will fall, but we have a choice, instead we look up. 

What is this? A Master? A manipulator? He pulled my strings? Guilted me into submission? Why was I blind? Why did I cowar? Why did I ALLOW myself to hurt others? 

I didn’t know, why couldn’t I see the strings? How did I get so far, hurt so many ? How did I settle for the dysfunction he provided? 

I couldn’t see the Master, I couldn’t see the strings? I couldn’t see my pain until I looked up? Only by looking up could I see God? Only seeking God could I see who was reeking havoc in my life. With my eyes fixed on my loving father I could see the dysfunction of my earthly father. 

One comment

  1. Sandra Dunn · December 30, 2016

    Intense! Painful truth.


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