Pretty Ugly

Last night I was getting ready to go to an album release. My excitement is extreme for my friends who have worked so hard and put all their hearts into their music. Steadily I applied my makeup and did my hair. I haven’t had time to “fix up” much since we’ve been moving so I really enjoyed the process. Since the party was late and the venue is dark I decided to go all out and use a little glitter. When I step back and checked my efforts I thought to myself “that eyeshadow is pretty”.

Triggered memories flooded over me. I could all but hear him say “Pretty Ugly”. The day I asked if my lavender hair bows were pretty. The day my neighbor said my eyes were pretty. The time I dressed up for a chorus concert and I stood before him, as a little girl needing validation wanting affirmation of some kind. As a child wanting to be noticed as smart, kind, or a pretty person and all he could say was “pretty ugly”.  That’s the way I was described. Did it pain him to compliment me, to encourage me? Was he afraid I would become strong if I felt any self worth? Did he know I would marry the first boy who told me I was pretty? Did he feel secure because I was insecure?

Give you’re daughters value, not just for their looks but recognize their strengths and look for the beauty she has and nurture her and she WILL blossom.

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