
When I think of small things I think of sand. It’s so tiny. Like a single piece of sugar, just one piece of sugar or sand is almost nothing. 

  Lately, my life has been turned upside down and I felt my nerves flailing around like crazy. Gone was my patience, my focus, and my ability to cope. So, I pulled myself aside and asked myself “what is your problem”. I reminded myself of all the great and wonderful things in my life and asked myself if there was anything terrible going on. No one is sick, we havent faced any financial ruin, my marriage is as strong as ever. The big and important things in life are all great. 

Then I realized. It’s the sand. All of the things we have been going through “good and bad” are like sand. By them selves they are harmless but together they can rain havoc on your mind. In sixty days we had to find a house, in our school district because we have foster kids I didn’t want to disrupt more than possible, have the home inspected beyond normal to meet state requirements. Things like septic and well water checks. Then prepare our new home to meet standards for childcare like locking closets for dangerous things etc. also had to build a fence to keep kids away from water on property and secure our four legged friends. Our bank merged with another causing some issues along the ways.  We also had to say goodbye to the home we raised our kids. Annnnnd, the presidential election that has rain chaos on our country. I promise this is just the icing on the cake. 

Then we had wonderful things happen like the birth of our second grand daughter. Celebrated our anniversary and a couple birthdays, planning Thanksgiving, we even hosted a moving party that turned out to be so helpful but very stressful. 

Then the strongest person I know started buckling under the weight of the sand and I said to myself “it’s time to clean house” my husband needs to be persuaded to not empty any boxes, not call any service providers, cancel all loving visits from friends and family and let us….. Just take care of each other. We have now found the toiletries and the coffee pot. We may be worse for wear but we made it through and now we can sweep the mounds of sand off us for the day and just breathe. 

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